Climate change

Climate change is huge problem today we facing all . And somewhere hole world also. Most important and common factors that affect the climate change as like Pollution, Industrialization . Somewhere we also responsible about it .

Because of climate change we faced my problem in day to day life. As recent news Amazon is burning , Amazon on fire, Lungs of the world is burning this is head line of daily news papers allover the world . But no can take responsibility to extinguishing the fire , no one can came forward to extinguishing the fire . Why ?

Greta Thunberg  a 16 years school girl came forward to speaking about climate change in New York
"Stolen my dream and my childhood with your empty words" -Greta Thunberg . I was thinking about this line in hole speech , and I request everyone to read this line again . And everyone wants to think about it . I saw in social media everyone commented about speech , But that is not enough?

"Stop Complaining, Start Thinking, Start working on it"

Today 2nd of October their is 150th Gadhi Jayanthi , hole world celebrate this day . Mahathma Gandhi  India freedom fighter and Father of the nation. India came forward to make changes . On occasion of Gadhi Jayanthi Prime minister of India PM Narendar Modi get baned on single use plastic . This is small step . 
But because of the climate change only in India 2000 peoples are died due to flash floods in 2019( resources by Wikipedia) . 

This is only in India , think about the world , how many peoples will be died in flash floods , heavy rain , earthquake ,fire and so on ? , how many peoples still suffering from it ? 

 Somewhere we are responsible  for it ? 
Start thinking!


Leave comment if you have any idea 


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