Application of Thermal Expension

Application Considerations

With respect to temperature, the magnitude ofthe CTE increases with rising temperature .Thermal expansion of pure metals has been wellc up to their melting points, but datafor engineering alloys at very high temperatures may be limited. In general, CTE values for metals fall between those of ceramics (lower values)apolymers (higher values). Common values

for metals and alloys are in the range of 10 to
30 × 10–6/K (5.5 to 16.5 × 10–6/°F). The lowest
expansion is found in the iron-nickel alloys such
as Invar. Increasing expansion occurs with sili-
con, tungsten, titanium, silver, iron, nickel, steel,
gold, copper, tin, magnesium, aluminum, zinc,
lead, potassium, sodium, and lithium.
Low-expansion alloys are materials with di-
mensions that do not change appreciably with
temperature. Alloys included in this category are
various binary iron-nickel alloys and several ter-
nary alloys of iron combined with nickel-
chromium, nickel-cobalt, or cobalt-chromium
alloying. Low-expansion alloys are used in ap-
plications such as rods and tapes for geodetic
surveying, compensating pendulums and bal-
ance wheels for clocks and watches, moving
parts that require control of expansion (such as
pistons for some internal-combustion engines),
bimetal strip, glass-to-metal seals, thermostatic
strip, vessels and piping for storage and trans-
portation of liquefied natural gas, superconduct-
ing systems in power transmissions, integrated-
circuit lead frames, components for radios and
other electronic devices, and structural compo-
nents in optical and laser measuring systems.
Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys. The di-
mensional change of aluminum and its alloys
with a change of temperature is roughly twice
that of the ferrous metals. The average CTE for
commercially pure metal is 24 × 10–6/K (13 ×
10–6/°F). Aluminum alloys are affected by the
presence of silicon and copper, which reduce ex-
pansion, and magnesium, which increases it. Its
high expansion should be considered when alu-
minum is used with other materials, especially in
rigid structures, although the stresses developed
are moderated by the low elastic modulus of alu-
minum. If dimensions are very large, as for ex-
ample in a light alloy superstructure on a steel
ship or where large pieces of aluminum are set on
a steel framework or in masonry, then slip joints,
plastic caulking, and other stress-relieving de-
vices are usually needed. In the aluminum inter-
nal-combustion engine piston that works in an
iron or steel cylinder, differential expansion is
countered by the employment of low-expansion
iron cylinder linings, or by split piston skirts and
nonexpanding struts cast into the piston.
Steels. Plain chromium stainless steel grades
have an expansion coefficient similar to carbon
(mild) steels, but that of the austenitic grades is
about 11
⁄2 times higher. The combination of high
expansion and low thermal conductivity means
that precautions must be taken to avoid adverse
effects. For example, during welding of
austenitic grades use low heat input, dissipate
heat by use of copper backing bars, and use ad-
equate jigging. Coefficient of thermal expansion
must be considered in components that use a
mixture of materials such as heat exchangers
with mild steel shells and austenitic grade tubes.
Welding. The coefficient of thermal expan-
sion is an important factor when welding two
dissimilar base metals. Large differences in the
CTE values of adjacent metals during cooling
will induce tensile stress in one metal and com-
pressive stress in the other. The metal subject to
tensile stress may hot crack during welding, or it
may cold crack in service unless the stresses are
relieved thermally or mechanically. This factor
is particularly important in joints that will oper-
ate at elevated temperatures in a cyclic tempera-
ture mode. A common example of this is
austenitic stainless steel/ferritic steel pipe butt
joints used in energy-conversion plantsl.


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